Website Manager



Board of Directors Descriptions

CVLL Board Descriptions

President: Oversees all operations of local league, is responsible for the conduct of the Local League in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Inc., District 4 liaison, Little League International liaison, attends all District 4 meetings, appoints all managers, coaches and umpires (subject to final approval by the board of directors).  

Vice President: Primary contact for questions or matters regarding a parent or coach within our league and monitors operations of individual divisions. Back up to the league president should he/she be unavailable. 

Division VPs: Recruits and recommends team managers. Creates schedules and assembles teams (Tball/Coach Pitch). Primary contact for general division questions. Reports to vice president

Challenger VP/Player Agent: Oversees our division of baseball for players with physical or intellectual limitations. Responsibilities include recommending a team manager, assists with game setup, attends District level operations meetings and events, as well as promoting the division itself.

Player Agent(s): Primary contact for questions regarding the players. Records all player rosters, verifies player eligibility, and administers tryouts for regular and post season play. Reports to vice president

Treasurer: Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies of the Local League, receive and deposit all funds accordingly, issue volunteer and other refunds, monthly reports and prepare an annual budget, and year-end audit. Reports to president

Field Manager
: Responsible for routine and general maintenance and repair of Concord American Little League fields and facilities.

Equipment Manager
: Maintains and distributes player/team specific game play equipment team equipment inventory (catcher’s gear, tees, game balls, etc.). Coordinates uniform selection and distribution

Information/Registrar Officer: Contact for general league questions such as registration, volunteering, opening day, event times, rain outs, etc. Answers general league emails and supplies information to the league via email/web/Facebook/etc. for all events, announcement and promotions. Reports to president

Sponsorship Director: Manages and recruits all sponsorships, donations, and fundraising.

Events Director: Manages and schedules all events.

Registration Coordinator: Contact for registration specific questions such as, boundaries, dates, and divisions.

Safety Officer: Lead contact for any questions regarding safety or injuries. Supplies and maintains inventory of first aid kits, safety questions, CPR/AED training, concussion certifications, accident/injury reports.

Secretary: Keeps record of all board members, creates agenda, keeps minutes and attendance for all board meetings and/or committee meetings, schedules board and other league meetings.

Umpire-In-Chief: Primary contact for questions regarding umpiring or rule interpretation, leads league umpire training, and schedules tournament umpires. 

Webmaster - Sets up and manages league’s official website; assigns online administrative rights to other local volunteers; encourages creation of team web sites to managers, coaches, and parents; ensures that league news and scores are updated online on a regular basis; collects, posts, and distributes important information on league activities including direct dissemination of fundraising and sponsor activities to Little League, the district, the public, league members, and the media. Provides player, coach, and manager records to Little League International in electronic format.


Clayton Valley Little League
CVLL PO Box 875 
Clayton, California 94517

Email: [email protected]

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